PD18X30X10 JB2600-80 SEAL


PD18X30X10 JB2600-80 SEAL

目目目目 录录录录 CONTENT
图 号 Parts No. 名 称 Name
备注 Remark
发动机悬置总成 Engine suspension assembly
2 M3015-1002000 气缸体总成 Cylinder Block Assembly 图 Drawing
3 M3001-1003000 气缸盖及气缸盖罩总成 Cylinder head & cylinder head cover assembly Drawing
4 M3000-1004000 活塞连杆总成 Piston and Connecting Rod Drawing
5 M3001-1005000 曲轴减振器总成 Crankshaft Vibration Damper Assembly Drawing
6 M3400-1006000 凸轮轴总成 Camshaft Assembly Drawing
7 M3000-1007000 配气机构总成 Valve train Assembly Drawing
& M3054-1008500
intake pipe parts
intake connecting pipe parts
9 M3000-1008200A 排气管部件 Exhaust Manifold Parts Drawing
10 M3001-1009000 油底壳总成 Oil Sump Assembly Drawing
11 M3000-1010000B 机油集滤器总成 Oil filter Assembly Drawing
12 M3400-1011000 机油泵总成 Oil Pump Assembly Drawing
13 M3000-1012000 机油滤清器总成 Oil filter assembly Drawing
14 M3400-1013000 机油冷却器总成 Oil Cooler Assembly Drawing
15 M3000-1028000 油标尺总成 Oil Dipstick Assembly
16 M3053-1104000 供给系管路总成 Fuel Supply System Assembly Drawing
17 M3001-1105000 柴油滤清器总成 Fuel filter Drawing
18 M3015-1109000 空气滤清器总成 Air cleaner
19 M3001-1111000 喷油泵总成 Injection Pump Assembly
20 M3000-1112000 喷油器部件 Injector Drawing
21 M3015-1115000 断油机构总成 Fuel shutoff device assembly 22 M3000-1118000 增压器总成 Turbocharger Assembly Drawing
23 M3015-1201000 消声器总成 Muffler
24 M3023-1303000 散热器水管及软管总成 Radiator water pipe and hose assembly Drawing
25 M3001-1306000 调温器总成 Thermostat Assembly Drawing
26 M3021-1307000 水泵总成 Water Pump Assembly Drawing
27 M3015-1308000 风扇总成 Fan
28 M3015-1600000 动力输出总成 Power Output Assembly Drawing
29 M3050-3509000 气制动空气压缩机总成 Pneumatic Air Compressor Drawing
30 M3021-3701000 发电机总成 Alternator Assembly Drawing
31 M3020-3708000 起动机总成 Starter Assembly Drawing
32 M3000-3904000 铭牌 Nameplate Assembly